- 2017
- 04 Laundry Dryer Electrical safety inspection
(Korea Testing Certification)
- 04 Laundry Dryer Electrical safety inspection
- 2016
- 03 ISO14001 Acquire certificate of environmental management system
- 2015
- 04 Get KFI certificate of fire-fighting clothes washing machine(Washing machine 15-1)
- 2013
- 11 Roller (guide) device(10-1336359)
- 2011
- 12 Patent application of "Aqua washing machine" (10-1103109)
- 2010
- 02 Patent application of "Aqua washing machine" (10-2010-00098420)
- 2006
- 12 Patent application of dry cleaning age essential oil valve device(10-0664967)
- 08 ISO 9001 Acquire certificate
- 03 Development of solvent recovery dryer and patent application
- 2001
- 12 Invention patent of laundry apparatus(0319066)
- 03 ISO 9002 Acquisition of quality system certificate
- 1996
- 08 Establishment of second factory (production factory for press only)
- 02 Expansion of scale and earlier (within the Daegu 3 industrial park)
- 1995
- 07 Roller Ironer Additional production line established
- 02 Expansion of scale and earlier (Taejon-dong material in Daegu North District)
- 1994
- 07 Founded Eunsung Engineering
(Sangyeok-dong, Bukgu, Daegu)
- 07 Founded Eunsung Engineering